Timewatch - Hatchet and Axe

The intrepid Timewatch agents are once again on the case of changes to the time stream! This time they are sent to another nuclear themed situation, as they jaunt into a closet on a Soviet nuclear sub during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Which, even when dealt with, the source of the problem is not what one would expect...

Theme to Timewatch (C) Pelgrane Press. Used with permission. Hatchet and Axe is part of the scenario / campaign book Behind Enemy Times, written by Kevin Kulp, Matthew Breen, Michael Rees, and is available at Pelgrane's website.

Dan - GM

Ben -  Urrk - A neanderthal who was saved by Timewatch and has been recruited as a member of the team. Zug zug.

Ethan - V5 - A robot killing machine from the 21st century from another plane of existence, recruited by Timewatch after gaining sentience and deciding to rebel against being a machine of death.

Greg - Skegg - A Sophisaur, a psychic velociraptor from another plane of existence, hoping to make up for his people's tyranny by joining Timewatch.