Million Dollar Soulmate - Double Date

Million Dollar Soulmate is a GMless two player game made by Greg Stolze. A millionaire uses a service that utilizes AI to harvest data from dating apps and spits out someone who is "their soulmate". What they do with this information is up to them, but they ultimately have their meet cute and several dates throughout their relationship. The game ends with a fateful scene at "the boathouse" where we will see if the Millionaire and Soulmate's love with survive.

Ben and Greg were able play a pair of games where they traded off being the Millionaire and the Soulmate. Join the tales of Lucien and Julio, and Mariann and Cicero as we delve through their experiences in love. Is their love stronger than generational wealth and advanced AI?

Million Dollar Soulmate is available at Greg Stolze's The game was also part of the "TTRPGs for Trans Rights!" bundle from March 2022.

Ben: Game 1: Lucien Evelyn VII, of the Washington Evelyns (The Millionaire)

Game 2: Cicero Christofferson (The Soulmate)

Greg: Game 1: Julio Irving (The Soulmate)

Game 2: Mariann St. Pierre (The Millionaire)