Trophy: Dark - Tomb of 10,000 Dreams

A pair of delvers, seeking fortunes to better their lives, go deep into the woods. But they take their dreams with them, and the cursed forest is where dreams go to die...

Trophy: Dark is a grim game of exploring a cursed forest with likely doomed player characters, using a simple dice system where the more ruin you accrue, the worse things get until you are lost. The game was made by Jesse Ross. A base version of it, with the Tomb of 10,000 Dreams scenario, is available in Codex - Dark 2 on DriveThruRPG. The full book for Trophy: Dark, along with it's sister game Trophy: Gold and setting materials in Trophy: Loom, are available for preorder on Backerkit. More info on those are available at Trophy's website.

Content Warning: This game features scenes of body horror, graphic injury, economic uncertainty, and broken dreams. Listener discretion is advised.

Ben - GM

Dan - Vero, a Leech, an expelled apprentice looking to establish his own estate

Greg - Casien, a Sellsword, a retired soldier hoping to win the heart of the heir apparent of Nahaneh