Unknown Armies - A Rest Stop in Illinois

Ethan takes us through a one shot of his own design. A quartet of adepts have to get to Chicago by Saturday for... something. In the middle of the week, after crossing state lines, they opt to take a break at a rest stop...

Ethan - GM

Ben - Vin Sun, viaturge

Dan - Max Victor, motumancer

Jared - Herb Stevenson, cinemancer

Nellie - Celina Benetez, fulminaturge

Unknown Armies - American Dreams

CW: This episode may contain scenes with references to offscreen sexual harassment and assault. Listener discretion is advised.

After our episode of Table Chatter, Kate Cargill was kind enough to offer to run a one shot from her Unknown Armies scenario book American Dreams! If you would like to read the book, it is available at DriveThruRPG. You can find Kate on Twitter @krikriT_T.

A cabal has gathered in the Okefenokee Swamp. If they can complete a ritual found in a church, a member of their group can ascend and will inspire a Maoist rebellion in the United States. It'll also create a secret camp, safe from the government. This ritual won't be easy, and even then, can this disparate group of folks be able to work together to enact it?

Kate - GM

Ben - Jordan Andrews (she/her), a part of the African-American & Creole community and the Southern Baptist tradition. After her parents were displaced for gentrification and disillusionment after working at Allmart and having lead a walk out, she became radicalized and joined the group. The one who found the ritual.

Dan - Dan Cooper (he/him), a former adjunct professor at East Georgia University.  After leading a protest of adjunct professors, he got what he wanted for his fellows and got fired. He realized his ability to inspire people, and joined the group.

Ethan - Destiny Jones (she/her), a former stripper, who led a protest about her and her coworkers horrible conditions. She was killed by her former boss, yet she's still alive. Knowing she can never go back to a 'normal' life, she found out about the group and joined.

Table Chatter - Interview With Kate Cargill

Ben was joined for a Table Chatter with Kate Cargill. Kate created the scenario book One Shots: American Dreams for Unknown Armies 3rd Ed through the community development for the game. They do a deep dive about the game and scenario design. You can find One Shots: American Dreams on DriveThruRPG.

Unknown Armies - Zach Gourley Must Die

Content Warning: This episode contains enemies that engage in emotional and relational abuse, and antisemitism, and includes themes and scenes of violence, depression and suicide. Listener Discretion is advised.

As we learn in this double episode, Zach Gourley is an atrocious human being. He manipulates women and femme people, uses them, and then dumps and destroys them. Our leads are two mods of The Fuckboi Watchlist, a website dedicated to helping people and pointing out MRAs and other men who hurt people. They realize their lives have been destroyed by Zach, who somehow isn't on the Watchlist. Another MRA Streamer had Zach on as a guest recently. The mods know he can and will harm again. So, they have come to a conclusion.

Zach Gourley Must Die.

Ben - GM

Chris - Tell Sorrett (They/Them): A Cameraturge, Tell had dated Zach, who used them, made them rely on him, and then dumped them, nearly destroying them. After recovering, they've gotten into freelance photography. Ever since joining The Fuckboi Watchlist, they've gotten a PI license and help hunt those who hurt people.

Greg - Case Wilkinson (He/Him): The Avatar of the Unsung Champion, his mom vanished one night after a night at a bar where she was hit on. She was found later dead, and that Zach had dated her, but they "broke up" and "he never saw her again". Now a social worker, Case is trying to help other people who have had broken homes, and just happened to find others who have been hurt by Zach.