Fae's Anatomy, A Melodramatic Medical Mystery - One Shot

Tech Diff was proud to back Caleb's Kickstarter for Fae's Anatomy, A Melodramatic Medical Mystery. We backed at a high enough level for Caleb to run a game for us, so he stopped by to do so! Listen in as a medical team tries to figure out what medical mystery afflicts Caleb's patient at another eventful day at Hippocrates General...

There are myriad places to find Caleb and his work:

Fae's Anatomy's online, which includes the web app for play, and a video actual play on YouTube

Hebanon Games online and on Twitch, and Hebanon Games Open Deisgn on Patreon

Delta Green: Dead Channels on Patreon, and Delta Green on Twitch

The Mixed Six on Patreon and online

New Game, Never Played on Twitch

Hebanon's books, including Fae's Anatomy, can be bought on DTRPG, itch.io, and Red Markets physically on Indie Press Revolution

Caleb can be found on Twitter @HebanonGCal, and these links and more on his Linktree.

Caleb: Bridget Boglord, of the New England Boglords, Patient

Adam: Baron von Reifier

Ben: Dr. Beatific Evolution Roars Triumphantly, aka Dr. BERT

Dan: Dr. Xevious Ray

Ethan: Dr. Dave

Laura: Nurse October Peace

Table Chatter - Caleb Stokes

Caleb sat with Adam and Ben to talk about Caleb's recent exploits! He talks the past, present, and future of his work with Hebanon Games and Red Markets, Fae's Anatomy, and future projects, and his work for Delta Green.

There are myriad places to find Caleb and his work:

Hebanon Games online and on Twitch, and Hebanon Games Open Deisgn on Patreon

Fae's Anatomy's online, which includes the web app for play, and a video actual play on YouTube

Delta Green: Dead Channels on Patreon, and Delta Green on Twitch

The Mixed Six on Patreon and online

New Game, Never Played on Twitch

Hebanon's books, including Fae's Anatomy, can be bought on DTRPG, itch.io, and Red Markets physically on Indie Press Revolution

Caleb can be found on Twitter @HebanonGCal, and these links and more on his Linktree.

Table chatter - Interview with Caleb Stokes for Red Markets

Due to our on going Technical Difficulties with the previous episode (which we are continuing to look into,) we wanted to post some bonus content. This interview was previously posted, but Red Markets is up for Best Game in the Ennie Awards! If interested feel free to vote for it!
