Red Markets Beta - The Reformers - Episode 12

NEWS: The Red Markets Kickstarter is live!

The Reformers escape the wrath of the Douglas County Avengers, but they still have to make nice with The Candyman before they can return home. Can they successfully pull off two jobs at once?

Laura – “Pixie” Mallory: Former pre-med student who volunteered as an EMT, Pixie was out west on an internship when the Crash went down. She’s been working her way back East and home alongside a slowly dwindling squad of Army Reservists ever since.

Ethan – “Freebird”: an Ozark gun dealer with a social justice streak. Used to run with a raider outfit, but got out when they turned white supremacist. He’s trying to make a better life for his black adopted son, Davion, who lost an arm to the raiders.

Aaron – Antonio “Elder” Delgado:  Smuggler turned Mormon missionary who got trapped in the States during the Crash.  Now he uses his truck and criminal past to earn enough for a one-way ticket back to Mexico.

You can find out more about Red Markets at Hebanon Games and Role Playing Public Radio.

Follow along with our after action reports on the RPPR Forums (spoilers)